What We Believe

A Vision Statement of Who We Are Called To Be:

We at Good Samaritan believe that God is active in this world in a creative and loving way. In a Christian understanding of this, we believe our God can work through us, through our hearts and hands, to make this world a better place. In an Episcopal understanding of this, we wish to worship in a liturgical, sacramental, and engaging way, to make our community a better place. We want to understand our church community as a system of relationships, always changing and always in need of understanding and care – what one does affects all, and what most do affects each one of us.

At our heart is a set of core values that we wish to apply to our Communities – both the larger one in which we find ourselves and the closer one of our church family. We want to treat each other with respect, even when we don’t agree and find ourselves in conflict. We want to be gentle and accepting of all who come our way. We want to hold one another’s hearts and hopes in our hands and protect them. Taking these together, we want to use them to enrich our church community, finding ways for each of us to be active in service as we follow Jesus on our journey of faith.

Understanding our church family in this way – as a living, changing set of relationships – we affirm the need for careful assessments and evaluations, again and again, as we attempt to know and guide our church family.

Lastly, we understand Good Samaritan as a local and unique expression of the Biblical charges to all Christian churches: to express our love of God in worship, fellowship, proclamation, education, and ministry.

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