Our Leadership

the Rev. laura osborne, partnership vicar all saints in the mountains, crested butte and good samaritan, gunnison

Laura is a Colorado native. She practiced real estate law for 26 years before leaving to follow God's call to ordained ministry. Laura lives into her ministry vision to feed God's people by offering missional service at food banks, teaching "Kidz in the Kitchen" cooking classes at MetroCaring, and serving meals at Family Promise, Denver, and Winter Nights Shelter, Contra Costa County, Ca. Laura has been an active lay leader at Trinity, Morgan City, Louisiana, and Church of the Ascension, Denver. At St. Timothy’s, Centennial, St. Stephen's, Orinda, CA, and St. Gregory’s, Littleton, Laura developed her priestly skills as a seminarian/intern with three great mentors: Rev. Dr. Nick Myers, Rev. Dr. Stephen Hasset, and Rev. Liz Costello.

Bishop’s Committee

Sue Ruffe, Bishop’s Warden

Sue is a native of Gunnison, Colorado. She was raised on a ranch at Doyleville and attended Gunnison Schools including WSCU. She has been a resident of Gunnison County all of her life. She was the Revenue Accounting Manager of Trans Colorado Airlines, worked in the WSC library among other jobs, and retired as the Director of Residence Life several years ago. She is pleased and honored to serve as Bishop's Warden at Church of the Good Samaritan.

Briony Coady, Member

Sloane Fife, Member

Sean McCormick, Member

LeeAnn Mick, Member

Mark Ritter, Member

John Warren, Member